Enhancing public services

We’re helping a local authority procure an innovative district heat network.
Tackling climate change often means helping our clients navigate the unknown, embrace innovative solutions and understand how they can make the most of government funding.
A good example is our work with a local authority creating a development for living, playing and working. The client wants to build it with the environment in mind – the area will be powered by sustainable energy and home to healthy habitats for people and nature. Not only will this space benefit the local community now, but it will help preserve the planet for future generations by reducing carbon emissions.
First of its kind
The local authority turned to us for help to procure a new type of district heat network, the first of its kind in the UK. To make it happen, they also needed to make use of funding from the Department for Business, Enterprise & Industrial Strategy (BEIS). Our team has the expertise and experience to help them do exactly that.
The client secured £3.5 million for this project and was one of only nine projects in the UK to gain BEIS funding.
Taking advantage of natural hot springs, the district heat network will extract warm water from below the ground via a series of boreholes. This water goes to the energy centre, and from there, a warm water supply will be directed through a pipe network to heat homes and businesses. The result? Fewer carbon emissions will be generated than from standard gas boiler systems.
Being the first to do something so innovative creates its own challenges. From ensuring funding is spent compliantly to producing all legal documents, there have been a number of hurdles. Anthony Collins Solicitors (ACS) have helped the council navigate the unknowns and provided fast-paced legal support with work often being turned around within 24 hours.
850 tonnes of CO2 per annum will be saved compared to conventional heating solutions.
From funding to contracts
The ACS team advise across all areas, including construction, State aid and public procurement. This means we’ve been able to give the council rounded advice throughout the entire process. We have managed complex issues around funding and provided guidance on relevant regulations, as well as working with the council’s other consultants by reviewing tender documents to check they were compliant.
But our support doesn’t end there. The ACS team have also produced the contractual documents including the main building contract, a separate term contract, and an operate and maintain agreement for the energy centre.
Work starts soon
ACS continue to support the local authority, with work on the ground anticipated to start soon and other projects on the horizon. The team have also worked on heat supply agreements for use with the commercial and residential tenants.
“This project is the first of its kind in the UK. We need schemes like this one to push innovation forward and support the Government’s plan to cut carbon emissions.”
Martin Brown, associate, Anthony Collins Solicitors