
Case studies

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Strategic pension advice
Charity pension schemes
Commercial legal advice for health and social care providers
Joint ventures in the housing sector
Tackling procurement challenges within the housing sector
Stock transfers in the housing sector
Business acquisitions and disposals in and surrounding the housing sector
Group structure advice in the housing sector
Assisting housing providers with grant funding and facility agreements
Energy advice for the housing sector
IT and technology contracts
Collaboration and JVs
Managing workforce issues
Advising housing organisations on repairs and maintenance contracts
Community asset transfers
Energy and sustainable technology
Commercial litigation in housing
TUPE advice
Data protection for co-operatives and mutuals
Employment disputes
Judicial review for housing organisations
Employment contracts
Governance disputes
Funding, grants, investment and capital
Housing plot sales
Judicial review
Support through mediation for housing organisations
Development, construction and regeneration
Procurement and subsidy control
Helping charities manage workforce issues
Marriage solicitors - Prenuptial agreements legal advice
Relationship solicitors - Taking some of the the stress out of relationship breakdowns
Covering the cost of a negligence case
Family solicitors - Private childcare support
Divorce solicitors - Divorce and civil partnership dissolution support
Family solicitors - Adoption legal support and advice
Accident and emergency negligence compensation claim
Care home negligence compensation claim
Pensions advice
Employment dispute advice
Recruiting and training board members in the housing sector
Providing TUPE advice to housing organisations
IT and technology contracts in the housing sector
Supporting housing organisations with employment contracts and policies
Strategic support for executive teams in the housing sector
Helping housing organisations to manage workforce issues
Data protection in social housing
Providing advice to housing organisations on volunteer management
Commercial contracts advice in the housing sector
Internal policies and procedures for housing organisations
Strategic pension advice in the housing sector
Supporting the housing sector in intellectual property
Subsidy control advice to the housing sector
Community asset transfers and ownership
Tenant management organisations
Trust Planning solicitors
Will solicitors - Probate advice from experts
Estate and tax planning solicitors
Will solicitors - Help and support making a will
Will solicitors - Families with disabled children
Will solicitors - Lasting powers of attorney assistance
Commercial disputes
New ventures
Charity procurement support
Volunteer management
Strategic pension advice for community organisations
TUPE advice
Employment contracts
Managing workforce issues
Charity employment contracts
Charity volunteer management
Helping charities with commercial contracts
Charity funding
Employment disputes
New ventures
Commercial disputes
Governance disputes
Collaborations and joint ventures
Judicial review
Procurement and subsidy control
Data protection for community organisations
Energy and sustainable technology contracts
IT and technology contracts
Collaborations and joint ventures
Development, construction and regeneration
Community asset transfer
New ventures
Asset transfer
Managing workforce issues
TUPE advice
Volunteer management
Collaborations and joint ventures
New ventures
Commercial disputes
Employment disputes
Governance disputes
Development, construction and regeneration
Community asset transfer
Judicial review
IT and technology contracts
Protecting and enforcing intellectual property rights
Data protection for social enterprises
Funding, grants, investment and capital
Procurement and subsidy control
Energy and sustainable technology contracts
Funding, grants, investment and capital
Strategic pension advice for values-driven businesses
IT and technology contracts
Protecting and enforcing intellectual property rights
Data protection for social businesses
Funding, grants, investment and capital
Procurement and subsidy control
Energy and sustainable technology contracts
Community asset transfer
Protecting and enforcing intellectual property rights
Managing workforce issues
TUPE advice
Volunteer management
Governance disputes
Commercial disputes
Employment disputes
Judicial review
Support with health and welfare in the Court of Protection
Land and buildings in the education sector
Commercial contracts for the education sector
School leadership and governance
Education employment advice
Education construction and capital projects
Legal support when joining or converting to a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT)
Data protection in schools and educational institutes
Benefits of collaboration in schools
Academy conversion - legal support from education solicitors
Subsidy control
Income generation projects in schools
Charity and regulatory compliance in the housing sector
Technology contracts advice for charities
Intellectual property for charities
Supporting charities with advice on energy contracts
Data protection support for charities
Employment support for faith-based charities
Religious buildings
Property Trusts and Permanent Endowment
Governance for faith-based charities
Forming a charity
Leases, and property acquisitions and disposals
Resolution of charity disputes
Construction, development and regeneration
TUPE advice for health and social care providers
Helping health and social care providers manage workforce issues
Employment contracts in the health and social care sector
Reputation management for health and social care providers
Governance in health and social care
Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults
The well-led agenda
National Minimum and National Living Wage in the health and social care sector
Development projects for health and social care providers
Buying and selling of care homes
Care Quality Commission registration and inspections
Health and social care funding
Data protection advice for health and social care providers
Commercial contracts advice for health and social care providers
Health and social care procurement
IT and technology contracts in the health and social care sector
Intellectual property for health and social care providers
Mediation for health and social care providers
Social care law
Health and social care dispute resolution
Judicial reviews for health and social care providers
Housing litigation
Injuries from crime compensation claim
Serious accidents in public places compensation claim
Road traffic accident compensation claim
Accident at work compensation claim
Financial covering for personal injury claims
Supporting stock rationalisation in the housing sector
Strategic housing management advice to landlords
Support with property and finance in the Court of Protection
Volunteer management
Anaesthetic injury compensation claim
General surgery negligence claims
Spinal injury compensation claims
Birth injury and pregnancy compensation claims
Cancer misdiagnosis compensation claims
Dental negligence compensation claim
Amputation negligence compensation claim
Meningitis, Sepsis & Paediatric claim
GP negligence compensation claims
Cosmetic surgery negligence compensation claims
Brain injury compensation claim
Ophthalmology negligence claims
Intellectual property rights
Fatal accident compensation claim
Family solicitors - Legal advice from childcare solicitors
Employment contracts
Employment contracts
Community Land Trusts
Community housing
Advice and training on trustee duties
Social enterprise projects
Managing reputations in the housing sector
Strategic pension advice for social enterprises
Care home claims, due to personal injury
Housing diversification and commercial activities
Due diligence checklist and advice for Multi-Academy Trusts
Family solicitors - Mediation for grandparents
Family solicitors - Family mediation for separating couples with children
Family solicitors - Mediation for separating couples
Family solicitors - Child mediation
Specialist legal support with investigations, inquests and public inquiries for the housing sector
Procurement support for housing providers
Health and safety
Relationship dissolution pre-meeting questionnaire
Property disputes
The Ethical Business Project – A handbook for UK businesses – download
Regulatory matters in the education sector
Education Pension Advice
Local Government Pension Scheme: Employers
Local Government Pension Scheme: Employers
Local Government Pension Scheme: Employers
Civil partnership dissolution
Elected member training
Asset management
Protected: Recharging building safety costs to leaseholders
Pension Regulator – appealing and reviewing penalties
Business immigration
Business immigration
Our Regeneration Toolkit
Local Government Pension Scheme: Internal dispute resolution procedure
Financial remedy arbitration