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Events and webinars / WEBINAR: Mock CVP hearing

WEBINAR: Mock CVP hearing

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Event time
Wednesday 14 June 2023
10:00 am - 3:30 pm

Following the introduction of Cloud Video Platform (CVP) tribunal hearings in the Covid-19 pandemic, it has been confirmed that they are here to stay. Join us to explore the unique aspects of hearings in the virtual age. We will take you through preparing for and participating in a CVP hearing. This day-long training will be informative, multimedia, interactive and maybe even a little entertaining as we recreate the highs and lows of a day in a virtual tribunal.

Who should attend?

All HR staff and in-house lawyers.


Jackie Morris, senior associate in the employment team

Jainika Patel, solicitor in the employment team

Please note this session will be hosted on Zoom.