The guidance (www.nice.org.uk/guidance/NG51) urges doctors, nurses and paramedics to consider sepsis early on when treating any patients unwell with infections. The question, ‘could this be sepsis?’, must be at the […]
The guidance (www.nice.org.uk/guidance/NG51) urges doctors, nurses and paramedics to consider sepsis early on when treating any patients unwell with infections. The question, ‘could this be sepsis?’, must be at the […]
Recap – What is an Article 8 Defence? Where a tenant seeks to persuade the Court that eviction from their home would not be proportionate. The Court will be asked […]
We highlight the key changes that you should look out for below, along with links to our recent ebriefings relating to these changes. Increases to National Minimum Wage The National […]
Under Universal Credit, the default position for claimants is that they will receive their benefit payment award monthly in arrears plus one lump sum payment. Prior to this claimants would […]
The consultation document was published at the end of July and is available here. It sets out the Government’s intention to impose duties on landlords (by way of regulations) to […]
Diabetes is reaching epidemic levels and the International Diabetes Federation recently stated that 415 million people aged 20-79 across the world are now known to have the condition. It is […]
The Supreme Court considered the circumstances of P and Q (previously known as MIG and MEG), and P. MIG and MEG were young women, sisters with learning difficulties, who had […]
The Supreme Court considered the circumstances of P and Q (previously known as MIG and MEG), and P. MIG and MEG were young women, sisters with learning difficulties, who had […]
The latest sweep, alongside the publication of the new Regulatory Framework, is likely to make all registered providers shift in their seats and look at their governance arrangements with a […]
The 2015 Regulations have more to say about subcontracting, in particular by: requiring purchasers to obtain and record more about the subcontractors used by a successful contractor to whom […]
However, the provisions surrounding social housing rents are in force and further regulations have been drafted in the Social Housing Rents (Exceptions and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2016 (the “Regulations”). These regulations provide […]
Other than that, things start to become less certain. There is an effect upon the economy, but we don’t know what that will be in the longer term. There will […]