The Supreme Court decided that the Tate’s viewing platform constitutes a nuisance to the neighbouring residential flats. It is being touted by the press as ground-breaking for the law of nuisance. We disagree.
The Supreme Court decided that the Tate’s viewing platform constitutes a nuisance to the neighbouring residential flats. It is being touted by the press as ground-breaking for the law of nuisance. We disagree.
We get ready to say goodbye to winter and hello to spring however the world of charities continues to develop with more guidance and case law being released.
Bromcom Computers v United Learning Trust case has cast doubt on the legitimacy of some common tendering practices.
In April 2022, for the first time, divorcing couples were able to make joint divorce applications together.
From 1 April 2023, landlords will no longer be permitted to let commercial properties which have an EPC rating below E without permitted exemptions. Are your commercial properties prepared?
We recently acted for NRS Healthcare who had been successful in winning the largest community equipment services (CES) contract in the UK, only to find that commissioners could not let the contract because the incumbent provider had issued a procurement challenge at court.
Welcome to our charities monthly round-up for January 2023. This month we share with you key ‘finance-focused’ updates.
It’s that time of the year when lots of people are planning holiday days for the year and the holiday requests will start coming in.
In the advent of 2023’s Good Mediation Week, which takes place from 16 to 23 January, we are focusing on the benefits of mediation in family matters and how you can be assisted by Anthony Collins Solicitors.
As we move towards this year’s Good Mediation Week, taking place from 16 to 23 January 2023, we look back at the past year of mediation, and what it can tell us about how we could, or should, be moving forward in the future.
The Procurement Bill moved to the House of Commons on 14 December 2022. We highlight just some of the many changes to the Bill since it was first published.
Many businesses look for ways in which costs can be off-set and, unfortunately, this is usually at the expense of the customer.