Those working in struggling neighbourhoods will continue to see the fall out from the squeeze on the welfare budget. The tightening of the benefit cap and the current and future […]
Her doctor was planning to run further tests, but she was preparing herself for the worst. Being a no-nonsense sort of person, she had immediately responded to this painful news by […]
Please note that the Cardiff CC –v- Lee (Flowers) case reported in our recent e-briefing (click here) does also apply to suspended possession orders made in rent arrears cases. Landlords should […]
The new model, created by Learning Disability England, could revolutionise the way charities are run and bring them closer to co-operativism, by incorporating the voices of its service users, their […]
Background of NEC contracts NEC contracts are endorsed by the UK Cabinet Office’s Construction Clients’ Board, are recognised as supporting good practice by its Facilities Management Board, and are supported […]
Mrs S was employed by the East Sussex Healthcare Trust (ESHT). She was also a member of the NHS Pension Scheme (the Scheme). In September 1996, her work was outsourced, […]
Finding the right gift, money worries, family problems, and alcohol-fuelled celebrations all add to a cocktail of issues that can cause difficulties within relationships. In recent years the first Monday […]
In this case, the contracting authority (City of Dortmund) included a requirement in its EU tender process that the chosen contractor comply (and crucially, that its subcontractors comply) with the […]
There is a change of language from Target Rent to Formula Rents and confirmation:- that Formula Rents are to increase annually by the increase in CPI of the preceding September; […]
In the much anticipated judgment in the Woolworths and Ethel Austin cases, the ECJ confirmed that the law does not require that the number of dismissals in all of an […]
UPDATE: the s21 Regulations have, as of today, been amended as there was a serious error in the prescribed section 21 notice form. This has now been rectified and the […]
The new thresholds are: These will apply to all procurements begun after 1 January 2016. * The Light Touch Regime applies to social and other specific services including health, education […]