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Going further down the road Going further down the road Jonathan Cox

Housing Benefit and Local Housing Allowance (LHA) and new tenancies + Universal Credit = a Market Economy For most housing associations, having LHA as a limit on new rents will […]

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Strong and stable? Strong and stable? David Alcock

Brexit means… The Conservative manifesto was dominated by Brexit. There was a firm commitment to leaving the EU, no matter what the end result of the negotiations over the next […]

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Consumer Regulation Review 2013/14 Consumer Regulation Review 2013/14

As recent decisions have demonstrated, where a breach of a consumer standard has not been met and there is a consequential finding of serious detriment, the HCA will consider the […]

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Capital Gains? Capital Gains? Donna Holmes

This is good news for tax payers, particularly higher-rate taxpayers who can look to concentrate on capital growth rather than income generation through their savings and investments, to generate tax […]

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