The Chancellor made clear in his budget speech that the new National Living Wage will be compulsory and will apply to workers aged 25 and over. It will be introduced […]
The Chancellor made clear in his budget speech that the new National Living Wage will be compulsory and will apply to workers aged 25 and over. It will be introduced […]
Housing Benefit and Local Housing Allowance (LHA) and new tenancies + Universal Credit = a Market Economy For most housing associations, having LHA as a limit on new rents will […]
But what happens when a tenderer is sent the Standstill letter and the scores that they have received appear to be inconsistent with the evaluation and scoring criteria? We have […]
The NEC contracts have been updated and revised to take account of new modern construction approaches; they are designed to encourage collaborative working and are available across the whole spectrum […]
Brexit means… The Conservative manifesto was dominated by Brexit. There was a firm commitment to leaving the EU, no matter what the end result of the negotiations over the next […]
As employer pension contributions are not received directly by an employee but paid into a pension fund, it has been established practice to exclude such payments from the calculation of […]
Special rules apply regarding beneficiaries where: The deceased leaves an interest in a property as a specific gift to an individual/s; or Where the Personal Representatives (PRs) transfer an […]
Here are a few suggestions: Start drafting your contract and procurement documents sooner: The biggest change is a new requirement that all of the procurement and contract documents are made available […]
As recent decisions have demonstrated, where a breach of a consumer standard has not been met and there is a consequential finding of serious detriment, the HCA will consider the […]
The package will include a 2-3 hour workshop providing relevant advice and guidance and practical examples to enable your Board Members and Executive Team to understand the implications of the new […]
Clearly this is also relevant to local authorities monitoring the private rented sector. We also cover other changes that apply from 1 October 2015. Do note that the Regulations have, […]
This is good news for tax payers, particularly higher-rate taxpayers who can look to concentrate on capital growth rather than income generation through their savings and investments, to generate tax […]