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Asset Registers Asset Registers Jonathan Cox

The specific requirement in the Standard is: – “To maintain a thorough, accurate and up to date record of their assets and liabilities and particularly those liabilities that may have […]

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Time for the innovators? Time for the innovators? Matthew Wort

What George Osborne has delivered is the prospect of some new money being raised in particular by local authorities and a £1.5 billion increase in the Better Care Fund.  Whilst […]

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Brexit and Private Clients – what next? Brexit and Private Clients – what next? Elizabeth Wyatt

Devaluations Over the last few days, the plummeting value of sterling and the volatility in the stock markets have been big news. Markets hate uncertainty and at the moment, there […]

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Trustee training with a difference Trustee training with a difference Edwina Turner

1. What makes the training you deliver for Thera Trust directors different from other client training? The training aims to engage everyone regardless of their previous legal knowledge, education or learning […]

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