Warrant applications – beware! There have been some recent challenges to warrants of possession, on the basis that the “Balance due at date of request” section was not filled in […]
Warrant applications – beware! There have been some recent challenges to warrants of possession, on the basis that the “Balance due at date of request” section was not filled in […]
The BBC reported that Mr Asif Ahmed fell from his bike when riding a descent on the Surrey Hills course. His injuries left him paralysed. The basis for the claim […]
Efforts to save the charity included making a number of its employees redundant. The charity has now been rescued by another charity, CGL (Change, Grow, Live) meaning that the jobs […]
The MCA was the first Act of Parliament to be built upon a set of principles – firm foundations to underpin the ethos of empowering and yet protecting people within […]
Highlighted below are some action points social landlords should note and follow up: 20 October 2014 is the commencement date for the introduction of the new injunctions (IPNA), criminal behaviour […]
Although the Charities Act 2011 provides for the voluntary registration of such charities until now, the Commission has refused to accept such applications on the grounds of a lack of […]
The Bill comes at a time when public trust in charities is threatened by the fundraising scandals of last summer and the collapse of well-known charities, such as Kids Company […]
Two joined appeals (City West Housing Trust v Massey; Manchester & District Housing Association v Roberts 2016), concerning cultivation of cannabis, have a much wider relevance as they reviewed the […]
Our client has received a lump sum of £3.4 million and annual payments of £195,000 for the rest of his life. This money will improve his quality of life significantly, […]
The focus of this response was their power to issue official warnings under the Charities Act to a charity trustee or a charity, where it considers there has been a […]
Under the Land Compensation Act 1973, a landlord may have to pay a resident a home loss payment if the resident is permanently displaced from their home (subject to the […]
The LHA rates are set by individual local authorities working out a median figure of the lower 30% of market rents within their boundaries meaning that the LHA rate varies […]