What happened? Our client, Mrs VF, was taken to A&E having fallen from her horse. An x-ray was taken of her neck and she was discharged a few hours later. […]
What happened? Our client, Mrs VF, was taken to A&E having fallen from her horse. An x-ray was taken of her neck and she was discharged a few hours later. […]
As there has been no increase in CPI for the relevant period, the maximum discount will stay the same for the next year. The maximum discount therefore continues to be […]
Devaluations All councils would be well advised to consider their Medium-Term Financial Strategy, and the assumptions that underlie it, to see if some adjustment is required. For example, one of […]
The changes can be found in The Assured Tenancies and Agricultural Occupancies (Forms) (England) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2016. The Schedule to those Regulations contains the content of the prescribed […]
Two governance codes were launched during Trustee Week last year – the Voluntary Sector Governance Code and the Code for Sports Governance. Both codes suggest using a senior independent director […]
So what is social investment and is it really relevant to charities especially those that do not have millions of pounds turnover? Social investment can take many forms, examples of […]
The report, dated 13 October 2017, looked at most of the CQC’s regulatory activities, but focused on how well the regulator was performing regarding its core functions of registration, monitoring, […]
Take Mr M, for example – Mr M was a tenant board member of his local housing association. Mr M, being a community minded man, got involved in supporting the […]
Alun Burge and Lord Myners, both quoted in Co-operative News: “Once essential democratic processes have become ossified, have lost their point and are unfit for purpose… Democracy must be rooted […]
HA boards need to get to grips quickly with the proposals and make a decision which could greatly impact upon the relationship between the Government and the housing sector in […]
For employers with staff in public sector pension schemes, this extra cost will not be offset by higher employee pension contributions or any reduction in the pension benefits. Until now […]
For those working in businesses seeking to achieve social aims, whether in the community sector, co-ops and mutuals, or social enterprises, the Brexit outcome creates some profound uncertainties – but […]