All the civil servants’ time, effort and brains appear to have been sucked into Brexit issues, leaving an unimaginative response to some of the most significant challenges people are currently […]
All the civil servants’ time, effort and brains appear to have been sucked into Brexit issues, leaving an unimaginative response to some of the most significant challenges people are currently […]
1. Be proactive – New organisations, in both the private and third sector, spring up all the time. Existing organisations re-brand or change their name on a regular basis. Search the […]
We never liked it anyway… The difficulty with EU State aid law is the width of transactions captured. If the Government was proposing to subsidise our steel industry, so that […]
Background JF was, at the relevant time, 22 and he has complex needs arising from his learning disabilities and autism. He was at a further education college with his placement, […]
Expectations were low, so its hard to be surprised but yesterdays’ announcement of the Social Care Compliance Scheme will have left most providers with a new headache to consider in […]
Readers will recall that the Tribunal concluded in this case that a worker’s holiday pay ought to include overtime and premium payments when calculating the amount of basic remuneration. The […]
This was a complex transaction involving the restructure of KHT’s existing loan facilities and included a £90m US private placement and secures funding for KHT’s future affordable housing development programme. […]
Inflated damages in tyres case In the 1915 landmark case of Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Company, the House of Lords said that it was legitimate for a contract to specify (“liquidate”) […]
From 6th April 2016 a new prescribed form must be used. So do make sure to use it next year (noting for many Registered Provider (RP) clients the only use […]
Leadership EU migrants fill an estimated 6% of jobs in the social care sector in England, and the majority of them will be concerned about what a British withdrawal from […]
For anyone hoping that Brexit will give us greater control over our own public procurement destiny, the recent publication of a Procurement Policy Note (PPN) reminds us of exactly how […]
The Chancellor didn’t tell us much more than we already knew about the new Government’s plans for infrastructure over this Parliament and it seems that the Government isn’t entirely sure […]