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The little things that mean a lot The little things that mean a lot

The recent decision of Senior Judge Lush in the case of Re GM provides a window into the workings of a dysfunctional lay deputyship, whilst helpfully clarifying the threshold of “acceptable” […]

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A Framework for Frameworks A Framework for Frameworks Andrew Millross

However, the EU procurement rules on frameworks have not been particularly well understood, even by those who are responsible for setting up and managing frameworks. There is also considerable legal […]

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Religion Religion Phil Watts

Khaira and others v Shergill and others This case concerned a disagreement involving two factions of two Sikh gurdwaras as regards which of the factions was properly to be considered […]

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Asset Registers – are you compliant? Asset Registers – are you compliant?

The accompanying Code of Practice explains the primary purpose is for housing associations to understand their assets and security position and to have swift access to information in decision making […]

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