Having received the approval of both the European Commission and Parliament in January, and promises of swift implementation by the Cabinet Office, we have had a wait to see the […]
Having received the approval of both the European Commission and Parliament in January, and promises of swift implementation by the Cabinet Office, we have had a wait to see the […]
Permanent endowment funds are capital funds which are held in trust for the benefit of the charity over the long term and are subject to restrictions as regards how they […]
This has the following implications: There is now no required rent level; The definition of an intermediate rent is different from what was the old Intermediate Market Rent (IMR) as […]
The EU has been working on three new procurement Directives (for utilities, public sector procurement, and concessions). This has been a lengthy process but at long last these new Directives […]
Employers admitted to the LGPS should therefore review their policies on how they exercise discretions under the LGPS to ensure that the policies are up to date, achieve value for […]
So, what are the implications of the case for your organisation? The case concerned two nurses employed by the Trust and dismissed on the grounds of gross misconduct due to […]
This decision may have significant implications for landlords undertaking improvement projects. Click here to see the facts of the case. This case concerns 97 holiday chalets at Point Curlew, a […]
Various other changes that will affect employment tribunal claims are also being brought in over the next year under the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act (ERRA) 2013 – and we […]
This guide is ideal for those who are uncertain of how social value fits with contracting authorities’ duties relating to cross-border appeal and local authorities’ duties of Best Value. The […]
The previous conditions of having to demonstrate caring responsibilities will no longer apply meaning that the extent and breadth of reasons for requests from your workforce can be predicted to […]
Surprisingly, Douglas has never been diagnosed with any mental disorder. Nor has he spent any time detained in hospital for treatment for such a disorder. This is because Douglas is, […]
The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act received Royal Assent on 13 March 2014 and it is anticipated that it will come into force in the Autumn of 2014. The […]