They can however make mistakes and delay or increase the problem for the employee, resulting in damaging the productivity and efficiency of the organisation, or lowering the morale between colleagues. […]
They can however make mistakes and delay or increase the problem for the employee, resulting in damaging the productivity and efficiency of the organisation, or lowering the morale between colleagues. […]
EAT judges to sit alone – judges in the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) will now normally hear cases alone, although they will be able to direct that proceedings are heard […]
What is auto-enrolment? The Government introduced legislation in 2012 requiring all UK employers to automatically enrol eligible “jobholders” into an “automatic enrolment scheme” and, in time, to pay employer pension […]
When planning redundancies (which for collective consultation purposes is broad enough to include any dismissal for reasons unconnected with the individual worker – such as a dismissal in order to […]
A bill to consolidate all IPS legislation, which aims to make the somewhat confusing world of IPS law more user-friendly without introducing any new policy or substantial changes to law, […]
Following the inquest into the deaths of two firefighters in a fire on the ninth floor of a high-rise tower block owned by Southampton City Council, Keith Wisemen, Southampton Coroner, […]
As a result of the changes individual Court buildings will become Hearing Centres. The back offices will be Administrative Centres. So instead of having 173 distinct County Courts across the […]
Procurement in practice – Avoiding the pitfalls and getting the best result covers: the building blocks to put in place in a successful procurement process and the stages involved; how […]
Our client, and the other claimants, were concerned as to the quality of recycling that would be collected if the Regulations were implemented as proposed. Subsequently, proceedings were paused to […]
Last month, the Supreme Court clarified that a “deprivation of liberty” (for the purposes of Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)) occurs where a person: Is […]
This confirms that employees who transfer to a new organisation are not entitled to the benefit of collectively agreed terms where: those terms are agreed after the date of transfer; […]
As all HR professionals will be aware, during a “protected period” (i.e. the beginning of pregnancy to the end of maternity leave), unfavourable treatment of a woman because she is […]