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Transforming Business Transforming Business David Alcock

We welcome the Labour Party’s commitment to doubling the size of the co-operative economy. We wholeheartedly support the ambition to grow this vitally important part of the economy.

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Converting to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation Converting to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation Katie Crosbie

It was first referred to in the Charities Act 2006 (which was subsequently replaced by the Charities Act 2011) but it has finally been announced that charitable companies are able to convert to a charitable incorporated organisation (“CIO”).

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Attorney and Deputy beware! Attorney and Deputy beware!

The LPA document itself does not give much guidance. Page 11 contains a statement that includes acceptance by the attorney of the duty: to keep accounts and financial records; and […]

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Welcome to the new EU procurement regime! Welcome to the new EU procurement regime! Gayle Monk

After that date each EU member state, including the UK, has 2 years in which to implement the new Directives (other than the electronic tendering provisions, where the period is […]

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