We often see new clients who have not been claiming all the benefits they are entitled to and need some help getting their financial affairs in order.
We are now only a few weeks away from the biggest change to data protection laws in over 20 years. Are you compliant?
Arising from the recent Family Division announcement, people who think they are legally divorced may in fact still be married.
The SCCS has issued providers in the scheme a series of updated and new documents in order to assist with their National Minimum Wage review.
The recent Oxfam scandal has highlighted the unsatisfactory practice that has developed across the HR world in respect of the giving of references.
When an individual is thinking about making a gift to another individual, consideration needs to be given to the Potentially Exempt Transfer (PET) trap.
Thinking about the legal status of being a cohabitant probably isn’t at the top of the ‘to do’ list.
A big fear for some people facing divorce and the inevitable carving up of the matrimonial assets. They seek assurances that such assets will be “ring-fenced” and retained for them.
Whilst some people are under the impression that preparing a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is simply a case of completing a form and ticking a few boxes, it is about far more than this.
On 27 July 2017, the Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”), announced that by the end of 2021, the FCA will not use its legal powers to compel or persuade banks to submit to LIBOR as they are not comfortable in doing so where there are only a few eligible term borrowing transactions by large banks.
I have just finished watching the lovely Christopher Eccleston on BBC iPlayer’s Come Home (#spoileralert in case you haven’t seen it yet). It’s about a family where, rather unusually, the mother leaves the marriage, her home and most shockingly, her children.
A key feature of statutory payment mechanism is a requirement for employers to issue payment notices & pay less notices if monies are to be withheld from a contractor.