We finally have the Social Housing Green Paper ‘A new deal for social housing’. It’s been a long time coming, so was it worth the wait?
We finally have the Social Housing Green Paper ‘A new deal for social housing’. It’s been a long time coming, so was it worth the wait?
In a landmark case, the High Court gave the first reported ruling on parental responsibility to supervise a child who is involved in a road traffic accident caused by another person.
We expect that it will take at least 8 weeks for the Supreme Court to decide whether to grant permission to appeal.
A significant Court of Appeal ruling on the Equality Act 2010 and proportionality defences in relation to warrant suspension applications.
On 31 July 2018, MHCLG issued a further press release which announced that doorsets produced by a number of additional manufacturers have also failed to meet required standards.
The CC findings on recent tabloid headlines about the Presidents Club Charitable Trust, involving all-male fundraising events staffed only by females with inappropriate dress requirements.
Any measure created in contemplation of divorce, or within a relatively short period before it, is potentially reviewable by the court if it is intended to defeat a spouse’s claim for financial relief.
The Employment Appeals Tribunal (“EAT”) held in Flowers v East of England Ambulance Trust that “normal” remuneration included voluntary overtime if it was paid over a sufficient period.
In what has been a veritable deluge of data protection-related developments, we now have in our midst, a brand-new, homegrown iteration of data protection legislation; the Data Protection Act 2018.
It was the Government announcement the Community-Led Housing sector had been waiting for; the £163million fund to build new community-led housing is now live.
NHS England has worked with families, carers, professionals and a range of other stakeholders, to develop new guidance for NHS trusts and foundation trusts.
Surely, as an organisation you can’t be held liable for defamatory comments made by others on your Facebook page, or can you?