The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has found that where a TUPE transfer has taken place, subsequent changes to employees’ terms and conditions may not be invalid…
The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has found that where a TUPE transfer has taken place, subsequent changes to employees’ terms and conditions may not be invalid…
The Pensions Ombudsman has introduced fixed awards for distress and inconvenience (or “non-financial injustice”) caused by maladministration in the management of pension schemes.
The Government has now published its “no deal notice” for public procurement.
Employer contribution rates for unfunded public sector pension schemes are likely to rise more steeply than anticipated from April 2019.
On 17 September 2018 HMRC produced their updated guidance on approaching the self-review under the Social Care Compliance Scheme. Here are the headlines.
September marks the end of summer, the start of a new school year and the release of this quarter’s company secretary update.
The GDPR and DPA 2018 have already been in force for nearly four months. Here we talk through some of the key learnings since May.
Researchers at University College London have identified new technology that will assist doctors to assess brain damage in newborn babies.
This week (10 September-16 September 2018) is Remember a Charity in your Will Week. Remember a Charity is a group of 200 charities aiming to encourage more people to remember a charity in their Will.
On Friday 17 August 2018 HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) issued a further update to social care providers in the Social Care Compliance Scheme (SCCS).
The Government has published its’ response to two consultations on the funding of supported housing, stating that for now, there will be no change to the current systems in place.
The LHA cap was designed to stop the state from subsidising private landlords through a benefit which is designed to help vulnerable individuals in need of housing. For example, for […]