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Young people excluded? Young people excluded? Cliff Mills

Behind the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act, there is an implicit admission: we haven’t been taking sufficient account of the interests of future generations.

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Brexit is not frustrating! Brexit is not frustrating! Andrew Millross

“Frustration” enables a party to get out of a contract where new circumstances make performance of that contract impossible or illegal.

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Probate fees are changing Probate fees are changing Donna Holmes

Although the exact date of the change is presently unknown, it is likely to be in or around April 2019 and will have a significant impact on estate administration and the costs of dying.

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NHS ‘Army’ NHS ‘Army’ Christopher Frankling

NHS England recently reported plans to recruit an ‘army of advisors’ to support GPs, following evidence that approximately half of all appointments were not related to medical conditions.

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