On 7 March 2019, the updated NHS Standard Contract was published – what changes have been made and how should care providers respond?
On 7 March 2019, the updated NHS Standard Contract was published – what changes have been made and how should care providers respond?
The Regulator of Social Housing last week published a new version of ‘Regulating the Standards’, to reflect their revised approach to planned engagement with Registered Providers.
North Bristol NHS Trust have concluded that around 40% of patients who underwent innovative mesh operations to resolve bowel problems should have been offered alternative forms of treatment first.
On 1 April 2019, new rules will come into force concerning how academy trusts must deal with reporting related party transactions.
An unexpected outcome of the Grenfell fire tragedy was the discovery that GRP composite flat entrance doors might not achieve the required 30-minute standard of fire resistance.
Our Data Protection and Information Law team found that the status of housing associations concerning the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) has been a hot topic with clients in recent weeks.
Teachers will welcome the news that there is no rise to their employee pension contribution this year – rates will stay the same as 2018/2019.
A sizeable North Lincolnshire social housing provider has learnt the hard way that, whilst honesty is the best policy, it does not mean you’ll evade the consequences of your actions.
26 March is the international day for epilepsy – known as Purple Day. Epilepsy Society’s mission for Purple Day is to start conversations about epilepsy.
The Freedom of Information (extension) Bill, if passed, will expand the definition of public authorities within the Act.
The Freedom of Information (extension) Bill seeks to expand the perimeters of the current legislation so that bodies working with or on behalf of public authorities will be directly caught by the Act.
Long running concerns over the future of Interserve – the largest public sector focused contractor and outsourcing firm – took a new twist on 15 March 2019.