The case of Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd v Crawford [2019] EWCA Civil 269 will not win awards for excitement but is useful guidance when dealing with workers’ rest periods under the WTR 1998.
The case of Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd v Crawford [2019] EWCA Civil 269 will not win awards for excitement but is useful guidance when dealing with workers’ rest periods under the WTR 1998.
Non-UK nationals will surely be worried about an uncertain future, with much still unclear. These feelings will inevitably accompany people to work, and so employers need to be prepared.
A recent case stands as a good reminder to employers to be careful when distinguishing between pensionable employment under a pension scheme’s rules and employment under a contract of employment.
Dealing with serious allegations of misconduct is never an easy ride. There is rarely, if ever, such a thing as an “open-and-shut case”, and so the competing rights and balancing […]
Even those of us with zero football knowledge will most likely know of the shenanigans at a Chelsea FC game this season.
What does the latest Charity Commission’s guidance issued on 29 March mean for the intra-group arrangements of housing associations?
The Government has this week resurrected its proposals to cap exit payments for public sector workers at £95,000.
This case is salutary to lawyers to make sure that they get full information from the client about all of their assets, income and liabilities and family members and dynamics.
The maximum discount available to tenants exercising their right to buy or preserved right to buy (in England only) is increasing.
This recent case has highlighted another situation where it may be possible for under 18-year-olds to make “a will”.
The tribunal decision in the case of Scott v Chigwell School last week might cause school managers and bursars some sleepless nights as they process its ramifications.
A property in England and Wales that is a ‘place of public religious worship’ is wholly exempt from business rates, pursuant to Schedule 5 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 as amended.