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Procuring social value Procuring social value Cliff Mills

Cliff Mills defines and talks about the importance of social value in his blog, and its potential within Greater Manchester.

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Partnership potential Partnership potential Victoria Jardine

Joint ventures present an opportunity for housing associations to build organisational capacity, the revenues from which could help deliver on wider social housing commitments.

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A victory for landlords in Section 20C orders A victory for landlords in Section 20C orders Penny Bournes

Residents are now unable to make applications to prohibit landlords from seeking to recover the cost of legal proceedings through the service charge on behalf of other residents, without consent.

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Insourcing for local authorities Insourcing for local authorities Olwen Brown

For decades now, fewer and fewer services provided by local authorities have been delivered directly by them. However, over the last couple of years, there are signs that this tide is changing.

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