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Holiday case still causing a stir Holiday case still causing a stir Faye Rush

The Court of Appeal held that no pro-rata mechanism was included in the Working Time Regulations 1998, and so part-year employees were entitled to 5.6 weeks’ paid holiday just like their colleagues wo

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Brief Brexit check-up Brief Brexit check-up Hazel Findlay

Whilst we all wait in limbo for the UK’s future in Europe, Hazel covers some basics worth noting…

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Reclaiming the streets Reclaiming the streets Christopher Frankling

A recent publication by the Transport Committee recommends that pavement parking be made illegal and for new offences to be introduced.

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Shared ownership right to buy Shared ownership right to buy Jonathan Cox

Looking at the Conservative’s latest proposal about shared ownership right to buy, concerns from associations about the impact that might have on their funding ability are well placed.

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Time to protect the volunteers? Time to protect the volunteers? Dominic Curran

Volunteers are often the bedrock of charitable organisations, but they are not protected from sexual harassment within those organisations.

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