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Asset management Asset management Jonathan Cox

Over the last few years the meaning of “asset management” has changed from being all about repairs to understanding that assets might not stay in an organisation forever.

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Being prepared for the future Being prepared for the future Lorna Kenyon-Pain

The Grenfell Tower tragedy has understandably prompted a fundamental reconsideration of how building safety is approached for High-Rise Residential Buildings.

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Funding update Funding update

The potential for Brexit with or without a deal causes uncertainty, and credit rating agencies do not like uncertainty.

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Settled workers Settled workers Katherine Sinclair

Somewhat ironically, the EU Settlement Scheme, first announced in June 2018 and operational from 30 March 2019, has remained just that, albeit with some changes.

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Governing in uncertain times Governing in uncertain times Victoria Jardine

Housing associations must continue to deliver core functions effectively and compliantly notwithstanding the uncertainty over the standards to which you will be held in the future.

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