The Pensions Regulator is showing its determination to improve the prudent management of Local Government Pension funds by digging deep into the internal workings of these funds.
The Pensions Regulator is showing its determination to improve the prudent management of Local Government Pension funds by digging deep into the internal workings of these funds.
A recent case throws light on the scope of the exemption for “land transactions” from the need for an OJEU tender process.
Over the last few years the meaning of “asset management” has changed from being all about repairs to understanding that assets might not stay in an organisation forever.
The Grenfell Tower tragedy has understandably prompted a fundamental reconsideration of how building safety is approached for High-Rise Residential Buildings.
Results from the latest three-yearly valuation of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) are starting to trickle through.
The potential for Brexit with or without a deal causes uncertainty, and credit rating agencies do not like uncertainty.
Providers need to be alive to the risk of contractors becoming insolvent and how to limit the resulting inevitable disruption.
Somewhat ironically, the EU Settlement Scheme, first announced in June 2018 and operational from 30 March 2019, has remained just that, albeit with some changes.
Housing associations must continue to deliver core functions effectively and compliantly notwithstanding the uncertainty over the standards to which you will be held in the future.
The new thresholds will apply to all contracts let and procurements that begin after 1 January 2020.
The engagement report found four key areas for improvement; key person risk, pension board management, protecting members from scams and handling employer-related risks.
Many local authorities have declared a “climate emergency”; heat networks can be a part of the solution.