Community care disputes arise in many different circumstances, from social care to housing, education and NHS funding to welfare disputes.
Concerns by leading consultant urological surgeon of the failure and delays in the NHS diagnosing Cauda Equina Syndrome leading to devastating injuries for patients.
We’re delighted to welcome Nicole Robson to the role of Medico-Legal advisor in the Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Team at Anthony Collins Solicitors.
In December 2019, the Care Quality Commission brought its first prosecution against a local authority
We recently represented an elderly American woman who unfortunately suffered multiple injuries whilst on holiday in the UK.
The UK Sepsis Trust have produced free school resources about sepsis, which is available online.
The Court of Appeal’s recent decision is likely to be unwelcome news for any cash-strapped councils seeking to fund the costs of taxi enforcement through licence fees.
The CIL was introduced under the Planning Act 2008 and the CIL Regulations 2010, which came into force in April 2010. CIL is a non-negotiable tax charged by local authorities on new developments.
Earlier this year, the Charity Commission published its inquiry report into Oxfam GB, following allegations about events in Haiti in 2010 involving its staff members.
As we all come to the end of a busy year, we’d like to share some of our highlights with you, as well as some articles for you to consider in the New Year.
It is important that trustees are aware of the law relating to people who are transgender and those who identify as non-binary so that they can ensure compliance.
What is not often considered is a charity’s independence from charitable partners that it considers beneficial, or even essential, to its success.