This last week, we have had three different pieces of Government guidance, one confusing Treasury Direction and some conflicting SSP Regulations
This last week, we have had three different pieces of Government guidance, one confusing Treasury Direction and some conflicting SSP Regulations
Commercial and local authority landlords could benefit from urgently reviewing their legal options.
The Supreme Court has allowed two appeals concerning ‘vicarious liability’, providing helpful clarity for claims of this kind and seemingly reining in the scope of such claims.
There has been a huge rise in the use of video conferencing and online messaging services while we are at home due to the Covid-19 related lockdown.
This week we continue to look at key issues affecting charities, some of the great funding available to them and creative to help their communities.
The Government’s additional guidance on PPN 02/20, includes responses to “Construction FAQs” and specific drafting to vary NEC and JCT construction contracts along the lines set out in PPN 02/20.
Under the Coronavirus Act 2020, the Treasury produced a Direction to HMRC on 15 April 2020, relating to payments under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.
The Coronavirus Act 2020 (Coronavirus Act) sets out the temporary emergency measures that enable public bodies such as local authorities, NHS and the police to respond to the coronavirus pandemic.
On 9 April 2020, the DHSC issued guidance for hospitals, care homes and supervisory bodies regarding the MCA and DoLS during the COVID-19 pandemic.
There was some good news as the Chancellor unveiled a £750 million package for UK charities to support them through the next few months.
The Government’s new guidance on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (furlough) was released late Thursday 9 April. Once again, it’s a mixed bag.
The regulator of social housing (RSH) has published an update to all registered providers (RPs), including further concessions to reduce regulatory burden.