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Index1. Statutory Sick Pay; eligibility, notification, etc. EligibilityNotificationContractual sick pay2. Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) – “Furlough” Furlough and holidaysConsent and furloughShielding and furloughPublic funding and furloughSelection for furloughSSP and […]

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Admission appeals and Covid-19 Admission appeals and Covid-19

With National Offer Day for primary school places having proceeded as scheduled on 16 April 2020, new regulations came into force on 24 April 2020, which relax some of the current requirements.

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Charities weekly round-up – 5 Charities weekly round-up – 5 Esther Campsall

Whilst life before lockdown may seem a distant memory, as we head through the peak of coronavirus, many of us are probably beginning to think about what the post-Covid-19 world will look like.

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Charities weekly round-up – 4 Charities weekly round-up – 4 Sarah Tomlinson

As the weeks go on, we are finding new ways to keep connected and celebrate holidays and festivals together. Charities are leading the way with some great fundraising ideas.

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