Social landlords may be surprised to learn that “landlords should be able to carry out routine as well as essential repairs for most households”.
Social landlords may be surprised to learn that “landlords should be able to carry out routine as well as essential repairs for most households”.
With many premises being left unoccupied (or minimally occupied) during the lockdown, both Public Health England and the Health and Safety Executive have warned of the increased risks of Legionella.
The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 came into force on 4 April.
The Court of Appeal judgement in Booth and another v R [2020] EWCA Crim 575 will be welcome news for local authority prosecutors and their investigation teams.
The UK Government has, in the last few weeks, introduced a multi-billion-pound package of measures and financial support for businesses and institutions that experience issues with their cash flow.
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, a court rule known as a Practice Direction 51Z (or PD51Z) was made on 26 March 2020 and came into force on the following day.
The Cabinet Office has published guidance asking for people to act responsibly, fairly and “in the national interest”.
As we make our first tentative steps out of strict lockdown, many of us have been thinking about what the future will look like for charities, both in the short and long term.
With the UK Government releasing its plan for handling the next stage of the Covid-19 Pandemic, all employers are considering when and how their employees will return to their workplace.
Commercial and local authority landlords are seeing their rental revenues crushed by the Covid-19 crisis, and many could benefit from urgently reviewing their legal options.
The last few weeks have proved what charities can achieve when put to the test – but we also need to remember that, now more than ever, charities need our support.
Whether you are planning to resume operations shortly or you are wisely planning ahead, here are our top tips to consider when preparing for a return to work…