In a recent case, the Pension Ombudsman has given some useful guidance on steering a course through the issues that await unwary employers when deciding on granting ill-health benefits in the LGPS.
In a recent case, the Pension Ombudsman has given some useful guidance on steering a course through the issues that await unwary employers when deciding on granting ill-health benefits in the LGPS.
On 25 June 2020, the Charity Commission issued a regulatory alert to all leaders of large or complex service-providing charities.
We have advised a number of families, alongside Ms Ockenden’s review, in relation to concerns as to the care and treatment provided by maternity services at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals Trust.
The online divorce system is a fantastic facility available to both legal professionals and litigants in person.
In a comprehensive judgement, the High Court rejected a challenge by Stagecoach to the procurement of new franchises for the South Eastern, East Midlands and West Coast rail lines.
AGM season will soon be upon us. One of the many challenges social distancing measures has presented is how to hold AGMs and other General Meetings.
The Government has confirmed that the eviction ban/possession stay will definitely end on the 23 August 2020.
With lockdown restrictions further lifting on 4 July, charities have a lot to think about.
The MHCLG has published its review into the risks of fraud and corruption in local government procurement.
On 24 April 2020, the Fire Brigade Union, supported by the prison staff union (POA), public services union PCS and the GMB, filed court proceedings against the Government.
Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 05/20 announced the Government’s update of its “Outsourcing Playbook”.
Last week saw a significant easing of social distancing measures in England from 4 July”.