Catch up with all the latest charity updates in this week’s news round-up.
We know that from 1 August 2020, the Government will “pause” shielding.
As the Government continues to relax social distancing requirements, many charities have found the easing of lockdown as difficult to manage as going into lockdown.
The latest development in the long history of sodium valproate was the publication of The Independent Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Review today
The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 has now received Royal Assent. It applies to most companies as well as Limited Liability Partnerships.
Making an application to the Court of Protection to make or change a Will for someone who is not able to do this themselves due to lacking mental capacity.
More than 700 people were consulted about their experiences of pelvic mesh, Primodos and an epilepsy drug called Sodium Valproate.
Failure to provide minimum pension contribution protection following a TUPE transfer can end up costing a lot more than if provision had been made.
In a recent case, the Pension Ombudsman has given some useful guidance on steering a course through the issues that await unwary employers when deciding on granting ill-health benefits in the LGPS.
On 25 June 2020, the Charity Commission issued a regulatory alert to all leaders of large or complex service-providing charities.
We have advised a number of families, alongside Ms Ockenden’s review, in relation to concerns as to the care and treatment provided by maternity services at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals Trust.
The online divorce system is a fantastic facility available to both legal professionals and litigants in person.