The latest batch of guidance on the Procurement Act 2023 (the Act) released by the Cabinet Office includes the eagerly awaited guidance on frameworks.
The consultation closes on 22 July so ensure you have your say as there will be a significant financial impact on PRPs associated with their compliance with this duty.
Whilst manifestos do not provide certainty over what change will arise, an election does provide an opportunity to reshape local government and its role in communities.
Following the Local Government Elections 2024, many councils in England and Wales are assessing how the changes will affect their organisations
Once the law comes into force later this year, the Act is expected to increase competition amongst businesses by ensuring consumers can make informed choices about suppliers who operate online.
Those pesky April showers might have over-stayed their welcome, but what better way is there to pass a rainy afternoon indoors than with a cup of tea, catching up on the latest news in charity governance?
Following the prime minister’s calling of a general election on 4 July 2024, parliament was prorogued on 24 May 2024 and will be dissolved on 30 May 2024.
The law is (almost) always changing. Whether that is a new case reinterpreting a long-standing doctrine or the government of the day having a new idea.
CPO powers are notoriously inflexible and difficult to use and of course their use needs to be balanced against the interests of the landowner.
With local authority finances under significant pressure and no sign of more money in the event of a change of government, creative ways to release money are very much in vogue.
As the cost of building new homes and maintaining and decarbonising existing housing stock rises, social housing Providers and other organisations in the sector can no longer rely on traditional financing models to fund new social housing development.
Preparing for the annual governance statement is a good time for local authorities to undertake a governance health-check of their companies.