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Reactivation Notices for Possession Claims that have been stayed Reactivation Notices for Possession Claims that have been stayed

This article is further to our previous e-briefing (published on 22 July 2020) where we informed you that there are new temporary measures (a new Practice Direction PD55c) that have been brought into deal with possession claims, following the stay being lifted on possession claims on 22 August 2020.

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Charities fortnightly round-up 17 Charities fortnightly round-up 17

Six months after the first recorded case of COVID-19 in the UK, it is clear that charities, community organisations and volunteers have played a huge role in the UK’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic

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Paperless land transactions Paperless land transactions

Paperless land transactions may soon be possible following plans from HM Land Registry to accept digitally signed documents for registration.

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