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Covid-19 – A lockdown of property litigation updates Covid-19 – A lockdown of property litigation updates Rhys Baker

Since March 2020, commercial property owners and occupiers across many sectors, whether housing associations, charities, care providers or local authorities, have been impacted by the rules regulating how they deal with their tenants and their landlords. It seems each week there is a change in policy, regulation or legislation, governing how they must respond.

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Charities fortnightly round-up 21 Charities fortnightly round-up 21 Sarah Tomlinson

The Prime Minister announced on Tuesday 22 September a new range of restrictions to protect us from the Covid crisis, some of which will apply to charities.

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Right to shared ownership – help or hinder? Right to shared ownership – help or hinder? Helen Tucker

The Government first announced plans for a shared ownership right to buy in October 2019. At the time the sector raised concerns about the impact the plans would have on housing associations ability to borrow. An election and a pandemic later the Government announced, during the CIH Housing Festival last week, the return of the right to shared ownership as part of its Affordable Homes Programme (AHP).

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Managing service delivery change post Covid-19 Managing service delivery change post Covid-19

As we continue to emerge from lockdown measures and deal with local measures and the short and long term economic impact of Covid-19, local authorities will need to re-assess how services will be delivered for years to come.

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End of possession stay – new working group guidance End of possession stay – new working group guidance Helen Tucker

Two final pieces of the possession jigsaw have been published on 15 September 2020. Mr Justice Knowles’ working group on possession proceedings has issued its guidance on the “overall arrangements” for possession proceedings.

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