We now know what the short-term holds for public procurement at the end of the Brexit transitional period.
We now know what the short-term holds for public procurement at the end of the Brexit transitional period.
On 1 December 2020 the Court of Appeal handed down judgment in Pimlett v Curo Places Limited EWCA Civ 1621 where prior judgments in the First-tier Tribunal and the Upper Tribunal were overturned.
On 26 November 2020 further changes to the ‘Building Regulations: Fire safety – Approved Document B’ will take effect.
Last week, the NHF published its final version of its new Code of Governance and made some important changes from the previous draft that will impact on those housing associations looking to adopt it.
Delayed since Spring 2020 as the Government tackled the Covid-19 crisis, Tuesday 17 November saw the publication of the Social Housing White Paper, setting out the future regulation of the sector
Finally, there is a glimmer of hope that perhaps the Covid-19 pandemic could be reaching its end.
In this ebriefing, we examine how the duty holder regime will apply to social housing providers with existing HRRBs in their housing stock.
As the end of 2020 beckons, we take a look at what progress the Sterling market has made in its preparations for the end of the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) on 31 December 2021.
Following Katherine’s “heads up” last week, the Government has now confirmed that for claim periods post 1 December, employers will not be able to claim for employees who are serving their notice
The Guidance for the extended Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) was released last night on 10 November 2020. We thought we knew what we were expecting or so we thought…
Is it just me or are the updates and product launches of the of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme “CJRS” starting to resemble the seemingly continuous barrage of new and upgraded iPhones?
As England enters its second lockdown, organisations are once again having to adjust its ways of working to align with Government guidance.