At the end of 2020, The Charity Governance Code was updated or ‘refreshed’ as it is termed on its website.
At the end of 2020, The Charity Governance Code was updated or ‘refreshed’ as it is termed on its website.
The Building Safety Bill (the Bill) is said to be the most significant and wide-ranging change to the regulatory environment for higher risk building (HRBs) for over 45 years.
This is the second in our series of ebriefings on the Government’s Green Paper: Transforming public procurement. The first one on public procurement principles can be found here.
A recent prosecution by the Health and Safety Executive (“HSE”) demonstrates the importance of organisations regularly inspecting, maintaining, and if necessary, repairing or replacing street furnitur
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused a significant amount of uncertainty and concern in all aspects of our lives.
February 2020 Royal Mencap Society v Tomlinson – BlakeThis case, colloquially known as the “sleep-in” case, addresses whether employees who sleep at the homes of the people they are supporting, […]
As our parcels are delayed and some groceries appear lacking, we are reminded that Brexit will have unforeseen implications for some time to come.
In so many ways the global pandemic has made running an organisation or business so much harder during these past 10 months.
We have spent the best part of a year learning new vocabulary that most of us don’t want to use ever again; ‘furlough’, ‘self-isolation’, ‘CJRS’ to name a few.
On 19 December 2019 Boris Johnson had, almost a week earlier, won a general election and the Queen announced, in her speech to Parliament, the Employment Bill (the Bill).
It was clear throughout the Brexit negotiations that state aid proved a persistent sticking point, linking through to the EU’s commitment to maintaining a level playing field across the trading bloc.
A group of Anthony Collins Solicitors (ACS) experts from across our various client sectors have gazed into their crystal ball and given us a view on how 2021 is looking.