Next in our series of ebriefings on the Government’s Green Paper: Transforming public procurement; looking at the Chapter 4 proposal to change the basis of contract awards.
The Academies Financial Handbook is updated annually by the Department for Education and the Education and Skills Funding Agency; it contains a number of governance requirements for academy trusts.
Supreme Court publishes key decision for those working in the UK’s gig economy.
In December 2020 we commented on issues being faced with maternity services which underlined how mistakes that happen in obstetric and midwifery care can result in catastrophic injuries.
The case was brought by the Official Receiver who sought disqualification orders under section 6 of the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 (CDDA 1986) against the seven trustees of Kids Company and its CEO. It illustrates well the tension between the role of a fulltime paid CEO of a large charity and the role of its board as voluntary trustees/directors.
A summary of the DHSC Impact Assessment of the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019.
On 4 November 2020, the Restriction of Public Exit Payments Regulations 2020 (the Regulations) came into force; exit payments for the public sector were capped at £95,000.
The Covid-19 crisis has demonstrated that social capital is the glue that binds communities together.
At the end of 2020, The Charity Governance Code was updated or ‘refreshed’ as it is termed on its website.
The Building Safety Bill (the Bill) is said to be the most significant and wide-ranging change to the regulatory environment for higher risk building (HRBs) for over 45 years.
This is the second in our series of ebriefings on the Government’s Green Paper: Transforming public procurement. The first one on public procurement principles can be found here.
A recent prosecution by the Health and Safety Executive (“HSE”) demonstrates the importance of organisations regularly inspecting, maintaining, and if necessary, repairing or replacing street furnitur