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Mediation – The what, how and why explained Mediation – The what, how and why explained Kadie Bennett

Family mediation is a process in which a professionally trained mediator, who is independent to both parties, helps you work out arrangements for your child(ren) and/or the division of finances follow

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Family Mediation Week 2022 Family Mediation Week 2022 Chris Lloyd-Smith

Family mediation is one of several options that couples have when resolving child or financial issues that may arise during a separation process.

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Health and Care Worker visa extended to care workers Health and Care Worker visa extended to care workers Hazel Findlay

In the run-up to Christmas with the ‘will they, won’t they cancel Christmas?’ question clouding our thoughts, only the eagle-eyed will have noted a key Government announcement on Christmas Eve; temporary changes to the Health and Care Worker visa mean care workers will be eligible to work in the UK under this visa.

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Charities monthly round-up December 2021 Charities monthly round-up December 2021 Esther Campsall

Recent Charity Commission inquiries and their implications for trustees, updates to guidance on volunteering and safeguarding and the steps you can take to prevent your charity falling victim to fraud

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Environment Bill receives Royal Assent Environment Bill receives Royal Assent Natalie Barbosa

Earlier this month, the Environment Act 2021 received Royal Assent introducing the Office for Environmental Protection. Many charities and environmental groups are buoyed by the new legislation.

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Charities monthly round-up November 2021 Charities monthly round-up November 2021 Natalie Barbosa

This month we will be considering the impact of the Autumn Budget and Spending Review on the charity sector, trustee good practice concerning benefits and net carbon zero plans.

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Letting go – it’s not appealing! Letting go – it’s not appealing! Jackie Morris

The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) in the case of Moore v Phoenix Product Development Ltd, ruled that the company’s failure to offer Mr Moore the right to appeal his dismissal was fair.

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