Contractors and delivery partners are facing a ‘perfect storm’ in many cases with a number of factors directly impacting upon the profitability of their work.
Worker status, like Piers Morgan, is one of those things that we think has gone away and then it pops up again!
We are seeing a steady trickle of decisions focused around the issue of flexible working requests or employer requirements for changes to working patterns (both pre and post the pandemic).
Successive generations have witnessed seismic shifts in the workplace; post-war it was the return of the soldiers and the impact on working women who had to work in their place.
A pass-through agreement is and common way for academies to share the risks of participation in the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) when outsourcing services.
On 24 March 2022, the Bill was passed and has now become law. We look in further detail at what the Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Act 2022 could mean for landlords.
On 24 March 2022, the Bill was passed and has now become law. We look in further detail at what the Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Act 2022 could mean for tenants.
This month we discuss the Charity Commission’s latest news bulletin, details required by Companies House, prize and sales limits for society lotteries and the public benefit requirement for charities.
Phil Watts discusses the Government White Paper on education to explore the question, to what extent could the proposals lead to a sea change in our education system.
This month we discuss the Charity Commission statement on implications for charities in light of the invasion of Ukraine, safeguarding concerns, the Spring Statement and de-registration of a charity.
Steven Brunning discusses the new Procurement Policy Note (PPN) from the Cabinet Office which requires organisations to consider how they can cut ties with companies backed by Russia and Belarus.
Our data protection consultant, Clare Paterson, explores the risks of a data breach in social housing, and how you can reduce and manage the risks of your housing association having a data breach.