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Commercial purchasing tools – Part 1: Frameworks Commercial purchasing tools – Part 1: Frameworks

Frameworks and dynamic markets will replace the rules in the Public Contracts Regulations (PCR) 2015 that apply to framework agreements and dynamic purchasing systems (DPS), two commercial purchasing tools that have been used widely across the UK in recent years. This first ebriefing focuses on frameworks.

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Charities monthly round-up June 2022 Charities monthly round-up June 2022 Sarah Tomlinson

The days may be longer but this month’s newsletter is short and sweet! We highlight proposed changes to the Annual Return process, a useful resources hub from the Charity Finance Group and provide an update on a case continuing through the courts on the issue of mandatory rates relief for charities.

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Open frameworks – mind the doors! Open frameworks – mind the doors!

In this briefing, I provide some initial reflections on what the Procurement Bill 2022/23 has to say about open frameworks. As with other sections of the Bill, the drafting is somewhat convoluted.

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