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‘Stepping out of the shadows’ ‘Stepping out of the shadows’

Many LSVT Registered Providers (“RPs”) have come of age – or will soon be coming of age -after delivering their offer document promises. This provides RPs with the perfect platform […]

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The National Living Wage has arrived! The National Living Wage has arrived! Faye Rush

When does it apply from? The calculation date for the applicable rate of pay for each pay reference period is the first day in the pay reference period.  This means […]

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Autumn Statement and Brexit Autumn Statement and Brexit

Two areas that are included in these needs are social infrastructure: Housing; and Schools. There is no doubt that we are expecting some announcements on housing in the Autumn Statement, […]

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Healthcare jargon buster Healthcare jargon buster Emma Watt

Key terms to be familiar with: ‘Acute care’ – short-term treatment for a severe injury or episode of illness, an urgent medical condition or recovery from surgery. ‘Better care fund’ […]

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Testamentary freedom and loss of capacity Testamentary freedom and loss of capacity Donna Holmes

Known as Testamentary Freedom, a person making their will (a testator) can decide to make provision and leave gifts to family, friends and/or charity on their death – and also […]

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The Cost of Care The Cost of Care

Faced with spending cuts, local authorities have used their purchasing power to drive down prices for care services. This presents charities with a dilemma as they seek to pay care […]

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The Right to Rent The Right to Rent Emma Hardman

What is the right to rent? Essentially this ensures all people who let properties have the right to live in the UK. Landlords should only allow people to live in their […]

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