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Contracting with housing associations Contracting with housing associations

Value for money — RPs are required to demonstrate compliance with the regulatory standards, under which they are required to “understand the costs and outcomes of delivering specific services and which […]

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Technical Update: Cost Sharing Groups Technical Update: Cost Sharing Groups

The exemption enables a cost sharing group (CSG) to supply services to its members without charging each other VAT where five criteria are met: the CSG is an ‘independent group […]

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Pension Costs – mixed news for employers Pension Costs – mixed news for employers Doug Mullen

Auto-enrolment The Government has announced that the timetable for increasing the employer contributions has been extended by 6 months. The phasing of contributions will now be as follows: In the […]

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Thinking about converting to a CIO? Thinking about converting to a CIO?

The introduction of charitable incorporated organisations (“CIO”) in 2013 gave those wishing to set up as a charity a new form of legal structure, unhindered by the often complex requirements […]

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How qualified is your surgeon? How qualified is your surgeon? Christopher Frankling

Whilst a patient may be offered an appointment with either a ‘Consultant Podiatric Surgeon’ or a ‘Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon’, the meaning behind a title can be misleading. Patients offered an […]

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