As state funding reduces, and communities look to take responsibility themselves, there are places in many communities that are of particular importance to the local people. They may be facing closure […]
As state funding reduces, and communities look to take responsibility themselves, there are places in many communities that are of particular importance to the local people. They may be facing closure […]
On page 68 of the report is a table which sets out which regulations were breached when enforcement action was taken. The table shows that failures in governance were the most […]
1. Companies House – confirmation statement filing guidance Companies House has recently published guidance on the filing requirements for confirmation statements. This follows the requirement for every company to submit […]
Background Social care providers may have seen a recent article in the Guardian entitled “Modern slavery: the next social care scandal?” in which they report that foreign nationals working in […]
The decision of the European Court in LitSpecMet [1] has confirmed our long-held view and the Opinion of the Advocate General in that case. This is that where a parent contracting […]
A new Tribunal decision was published in December 2017 that found that a local authority must assess whether a bedroom can physically fit the number of expected children to sleep in it as a bedroom.
Although we are still waiting for the publication of the new Regulatory Framework from the HCA, at the end of last year the HCA did publish its ‘Guideline rent limit […]
Facts of the case – The County Court Mr Werrett, the tenant and Defendant in possession proceedings, had suffered brain damage as a child. In January 2014 Mr Werrett admitted […]
The facts An employee with 35 years’ service has been absent for 62 days due to post-viral fatigue. Following her return to work she is found to be suffering from […]
The details are: In possession claims, the issue fee increases from £280 to £355. For possession claims online through PCOL, the issue fee increases from £250 to £325. The fee […]
The new Persons of Significant Control (PSC) Register will also need to be filed at Companies House along with the confirmation statement – for more information on how to prepare […]
In regards to mitigating inheritance tax in particular, the Inheritance Tax Act 1984 contains some really clear (and straightforward) tax planning opportunities and tax exemptions. Making full use of these […]