At Anthony Collins Solicitors we act as professional deputies for a large number of clients. Each client has an allocated caseworker who ensures that their financial needs are being met.
One of our clients is a gentleman who is registered as blind and is dependent on his family to ensure that his welfare needs are being met. Mr X has a TV package with his provider and we made contact with them as it was believed that the client could change the package that he had and for a remote control to be provided which can be talked to in order to change channels etc.
The provider made the change to the client package and sent out a new remote control which was linked to his TV and this has now been set up so he can talk to the TV. He has a braille sticker on the remote to assist him with finding the correct button to press.
This has given our client a bit more independence and allows him to control his television despite being blind.
Whilst this may seem like a small task, it has ensured that we are doing the best that we can for our clients to improve their quality of life using their finances.
For more information
For more information contact our Court of Protection team.