
Using the one lawyer approach during your separation

We understand that separation can be an emotional and challenging time for our clients. We’re committed to providing solutions that reduce conflict and help couples achieve amicable outcomes for themselves and their families.

The one couple one lawyer approach, labelled ‘resolution together’ by Resolution (the membership organisation for family solicitors in England and Wales) allows a single solicitor to work with both parties in certain circumstances during a separation. Unlike traditional litigation, this means that separating couples can benefit from impartial legal advice, being guided towards a mutually beneficial solution.

A specially trained lawyer will initially assess suitability for the one lawyer method and if deemed appropriate, can advise both parties. The lawyer therefore acts as a facilitator for discussions, preparing the necessary documents and where appropriate instructing other professionals on the couple’s behalf, such as property or business valuers or pension experts.

This approach is particularly suited to couples looking to avoid the cost and stress of traditional litigation, while still ensuring their agreements are legally binding.

Where parties are unable to reach an agreement themselves, the lawyer can also refer the matter to third parties who can provide further assistance, such as mediators or early neutral evaluators.

Our family law specialists

At Anthony Collins Solicitors, we’re proud to offer the one lawyer approach to support clients through separation. Partner Chris Lloyd-Smith is specially trained in the one lawyer model and can guide you through this process with sensitivity and professionalism. Chris is also a family mediator and financial remedy arbitrator.

If you’d like to learn more about the one lawyer approach or discuss whether it’s right for your situation, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


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