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Events and webinars / WEBINAR: ACsess Governance Club – Boards and data: How boards need to use data effectively to drive better decision-making

WEBINAR: ACsess Governance Club – Boards and data: How boards need to use data effectively to drive better decision-making

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Event time
Wednesday 24 January 2024
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Both the RSH and the Housing Ombudsman expect landlords to collect and collate relevant information about their tenants, their services and their performance and to use this to deliver excellent homes and services compliantly with the law and regulation. But what does this look like in practice? One of the housing sector’s leading independent consultants, Andy Roskell of the David Tolson Partnership, will explore with us how to ensure the board cuts through to understand the data it receives, challenges appropriately what it shows and demonstrates how this is hard-wired into its decision-making, as expected by the RSH under the new regulatory regime.

Who should attend?

Company secretaries, heads of governance, heads of legal, executive directors


Victoria Jardine, partner and member of the governance, funding and corporate team

Andy Roskell, managing director of the David Tolson Partnership